The all-in-one repayment automation stack

Paydit platform screenshot

Automated engagement

An omni-channel digital communication suite that delivers personalized messaging to past due consumers. Support multiple channels with a single platform and provider.

Convenient self-service options

Put consumers in control to resolve their past-due balance conveniently 24/7 by offering a white-labeled self-service portal. Provide resolution options based on the stage or age of their past due account.

Paydit platform screenshot
Paydit platform screenshot

Flexible re-payment channels

Provide multiple integrated and seamless payment channels for consumers to finalize an arrangement. Consumer centric re-payment options that reduce friction and unlock results.

Convert from promise to payment

Retain consumers on the promised re-payment arrangement until completion. Allow consumers to self-manage future installments and smart retries to optimize successful payments.

Paydit platform screenshot
Paydit platform screenshot

Optimize repayment campaigns

Harness data and machine learning to enhance every step in the automated recoveries process to further improve recovery rates. Reporting and insights are built in to help you understand what drives performance.

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